Tuesday, July 13, 2010

39 weeks along

July 10th 2010
39 weeks pregnant
(these photos were taken today
@ 39 weeks and 4 days)

measuring 40 inches around, woooow!

This is my last pregnancy update ...
because I am being induced on Friday the 16th!
-we will be going into the hospital Thursday night,
and I will be given Cervadil to help me dilate-
(and they'll start the induction in the morning)

I am being induced because I am not dilating on my own.

I really want to go into labor on my own naturally
(and there's still a chance I may)

However, Its not looking like that's going to happen,
and I'm okay with that :)

I have enjoyed being pregnant..but I'm so ready to be done :)

& we cant wait to meet our lil girl!

My doctor guesses she'll way about 7 1/2 lbs, well see!

I'm not nervous or scared for labor at this point..
I'm really excited and ready for it!

Tomorrow at 5:30 well go into the hospital,
and not come out until our baby is out!
I can't believe it.. that's CRAZY!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

38 weeks along

July 3rd, 2010
38 weeks pregnant

measuring 39 1/4" around

great week!

started to dilate and efface!

14 days until due date :D

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