Friday, March 5, 2010

Fourth Doctors Appointment

March 4th, 2010
Our Fourth Prenatal Appointment
20 weeks 5 days
We got to hear the heart beat again, it was healthy and easy to find!
The doctor measured my belly for the first time (up and down not around), I was measuring 23 centimeters, which is 23 weeks (a lil ahead, no big deal).
We also got our gestational ultrasound, where the doctor checks the growth and development of the baby.
We got the gender confirmed, definatley a lil girl in there, yay :)
She is healthy, has all her parts, and is growing great (measuring at 20 weeks, not a big deal though).
She was face down and breach (head close to my head and feet close to my feet), so we couldnt see her face or get a profile shot of her :[ ) but thats okay shes healthy and we'll get a chance to see her face in our next ultrasound! :)
We got the ultrasound recorded onto a dvd, but it didnt record clearly :(
here are the pictures we did get
healthy with all 4 chambers
growing at the same rate as the rest of her body
we also saw her ankles, feet and toes
(which were moving, which means her brain is working correctly)


the top of her head, her lil hand is curled up towards the bottom right of it, so cute!

click on the photos to make them larger

1 comment:

  1. I sooo love her :D freaking cute. glad to hear about her brain! that is GREAT!


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