Saturday, May 15, 2010

31 weeks along

May 15th, 2010
31 weeks pregnant
measuring 37" around

She moves so much now,
I feel like she never stops :)

Got my first charlie horse this week
(which was followed by a second one, ooouch!)

Finally bought maternity clothes!
Just one pair of shorts.. :)
So big, but super comfy!

*Baby Projects*
I started making her name letters that I will hang above her crib!
I'm almost done with them and very satisfied with how they're turning out.
I also have a picture frame that I will decorate to match the letters.

and.. later I will start making her baby blanket!
All I have is an idea for that though :)

and now getting to the hard parts..
-making our "birth plan"
-choosing the right hospital
-looking at birthing classes
-figuring out insurance




  1. you've never gotten a charlie horse before now?! your so lucky!! i get them on a daily basis and since i was a little girl!! thats so nuts haha.

    take a picture of the letters when your done :D i'm excited to see!!

  2. no never! i didnt know what was happening to mee! haha.
    oh i will for sure!

    maybe ill be brave and put the pic on my blog :)


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