Monday, June 28, 2010

37 weeks along

June 26th, 2010
37 weeks pregnant
measuring 39 inches around

shes the size of a watermelon now!

weighing 6.2 lbs
estimated to weigh around 7 lbs when born :]
(a lil over 7 lbs if I go over due)

her movements have slowed down dramatically!

i'm 0 cm dilated an 0% effaced
shes still head down and very high

i'm uncomfortable most of the time!

and my feet and hands are so very swollen!

enjoying these last weeks of pregnancy,
I know they are going to go by fast!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on being full term!! She could come now at anytime! But don't be surprised if she doesn't come until after your due date. Those dates are just "guesses" anyway. I remember how uncomfortable those last weeks can be, I hope you enjoy them though! You will surely miss being pregnant and all the kicks and stuff. I do! :)


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